Saturday, July 13, 2013

Featured Workout: Back To Basics

If your training season is anything like mine, it can get exhausting and very disheartening at times. I love the challenge of a new workout, I love getting stronger, faster, and leaner. However, I also recognize the value of a good break, which is why I usually take a week or two off in the middle of the summer to go back to basics and hone in on my form and basic body weight exercises. It gives my body the opportunity to rest before the next wave of heavy training and I find that I usually come back stronger and faster. I will be posting a WOD every day (except for Sunday, because it is my day off) for the next two weeks on our Facebook page. Make sure that you “like” and “share” so you won’t miss any of the amazing, deceptively easy, workouts. This is what I started my two week rest period with:

50 Toy Soldiers
50 Side Shuffle Cross Overs

20 Pull-ups
20 Body Weight Lunges
20 TRX Rows
20 Air Squats
1 min Plank
20 Squat Jumps

Rest 1 minute

Repeat as many times as you can for 30 minutes.

Treadmill walk at 15% incline at your normal brisk walk speed. Do not hold on to the treadmill. If you can’t walk and not hold on, decrease the incline slightly.

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