Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Challenge Excepted.

Yesterday one of my dear friends and trainers has announced that she is committing to loosing 10% body fat in 11 weeks. Well, being a good friend and wanting to loose roughly the same amount of body fat, I decided that I am going to support her on her quest to a better, harder, more chiseled body.

Today, I am publicly announcing that I have been on a quest for a hard, chiseled look since June of last year.  In case you were wondering, here is a picture of me from my vacation in June of 2012. In this picture I am 170 lbs and have 30% body fat.

170 lbs 30% BF

Was I down on myself then? Yes. Did I treat myself right? No. Did I often fall victim to the sweet song of  a frosty lager, or a slightly chilled porter? Yes. As other beer lovers and brewers will tell you, it is hard to keep a six pack in your hands as well as on your body. So, what did I do? I discovered this wonderful thing called moderation, heavy lifting, and support.

To some degree, I am still slightly embarrased about posting this next picture online for all to see. Mostly because I am not quite where I want to be, but nonetheless, I choose to celebrate my achievement today and announce that in 11 weeks I will be loosing 7-10% body fat. Here I am, today, at 163 lbs, 25.9% body fat. Let the shred begin!
163 lbs and 25.9% body fat

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