Monday, March 25, 2013

Living Vicariously Through My Friends

I think I already said this before, but being sick or having to stay away from my normal workout routine due to an injury turns me into  an incredibly grumpy person. I am on day four of forced rest and I am itching to go back to the gym. Logically I understand that rest is required, that I will be able to come back to my routines quicker if I give myself time to rest and rejuvenate, but emotionally I am a mess. Over the last few years I have gotten use to leaving my stress at the gym, and although there were moments of self doubt about my fitness progress, I never doubted one thing -- working towards my fitness goals made me very happy.

Since I could not go to the gym this morning due to this incessant sinus infection, I decided to relive some stress by doing simple meditation. Granted, I haven't meditated in a long while, but I have to say, it has nothing on lifting heavy weights or doing 30 burpees. It just isn't the same for me. I am really looking forward to finally being able to keep my date with the Smith machine at some point this week.  

So, dear friends, since I can't be out there doing pullups, pushups, squats, and deadlifts, get off your butts and go do something active for me. A few pushups, a few bench dips, some jumping jacks, superman planks, and burpees will totally make your day! Seriously, go do it, then call me and tell me all about it. 'cause I AM DYING HERE!!!! :) 

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