Saturday, June 1, 2013

Herbed Jamaican Chicken: Escape the Boredom of Clean Eating

Eating clean doesn't have to be boring or difficult. I usually make extra protein for dinner and re-purpose it  later in other dishes. This is one of those recipes that can easily be turned into a wrap, pulled chicken sandwich, lettuce wrap, chicken salad, garnish for salads, or added to a breakfast omelet. This chicken is easy to make, quick, delicious, and not to mention, it'll save you a tone of time in your lunch and breakfast prep. Happy clean eating! 



4 Chicken Breasts
2 tbsp. Jamaican Jerk Seasoning
2 tbsp. Lemon Zest
2 tbsp. Fresh Lemon Thyme
2tbsp. Fresh Rosemary
1- 1 1/2 cup chicken stock
2 tbsp. olive oil


Clean and cut away all access fat from the chicken breasts. Dry the chicken breasts and lay them out of a cutting board or a clean counter, season with Jamaican Jerk Seasoning, set aside. Preheat a skillet with olive oil until olive oil forms ripples on the pan when tilted from side to side. On high heat, sear chicken breasts until they turn golden brown. At this time, chicken breasts will still be raw in the middle. Turn down the heat and add chicken stock, a few sprigs of lemon thyme and rosemary.  Cover with a lid and let simmer for 30 minutes.

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