Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Weekly Check-in and My Thoguhts on Fear and Personal Training Certification

Recently I have been researching a few personal training certifications. I have been trying to get a feel for the field and attempt to figure out if personal training is something that I could be happy with. It seems like all of the pieces are there, the dedication, the desire to help, the thirst for knowledge, and the wealth of resources and people who are willing to pass on their own years of experience as trainers to me in order to help me become a better trainer. Yet, I am still experiencing doubts about my direction. In many cases, I doubt myself and my own knowledge, then I look at myself in the mirror and realize: well, you got yourself this far, and look at you! Looking good, feeling good, you have the knowledge and the ability to know anything, what else do you need? 

That's where my problem is hiding. For most of my "education" career (I did a lot of tutoring and TAing in college) I have always second guessed myself. I second guess myself on everything! I notice even in my day to day life it takes me hours to figure out whether I want fish or chicken for dinner because there are just too many variable to take into account! Come on, it can't be that difficult. So, part of my June goals is to make quick decisions for 1 month without second guessing or attempting to adjust.

I tell you what, this has been, by far, the hardest thing that I have ever had to do. In the last 12 days I second guessed myself plenty of times, but I have found the reason of why I do it. It is fear. Fear is the root of the problem. Fear of not being good enough. Now I have to deal with the reasons why I don't think that I am good enough and all will be well.

As far as personal training certification is concerned, I decided that I will study, observe, shadow other trainers, and explorer my possibilities further until I learn how not to doubt myself. I think that would be a valid approach to the situation, what do you think?

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