Monday, April 8, 2013

Just a Ramble

I am proud to report that I have successfully lost 0.6% body fat since I last measured a couple of weeks ago. Also, I have to say that I did go up in weight. You know what that means? I AM GROWING AWESOME MUSCLES!!! It was a much needed boost to my workout today and to my day overall.

Today, I worked out with my wonderful trainer and friend and a couple of ladies at the gym. It was a great and tiring session that surprisingly left me wanting more. I especially loved the sled pulls, however, my hurt elbow disagreed with kettle bell swings and upward rows. It's ok, though, I'll get it back in check in a few days.

Today was also the day when I tested out my new minimalist shoes. I was not pleased. My foot is too loose in them. I am afraid I have to take you back, purple shoes...

That's about it for today. See you guys tomorrow.

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