Wednesday, May 1, 2013

I Think I Lost Some Muscle Mass :(

It is official, friends, I think I actually lost muscle mass and put on some fat this month because of being sick and changing my routine to be more of a crossfit style. Clearly it did not work for me. Am I disappointed? Yes. Do I look on the bright side? Absolutely. I look at this 0.03% set back as a learning experience. Now I know that I need to stick to the good old method of lifting HEAVY and slowly and running more hill and track drills to achieve the best results for my body. I would have wished for nothing more then to see another 1.6% drop at this weigh-in and feel like a champ when I strut my stuff in a bikini in two weeks. On the bright side, I still have 14 days to make it happen, so not all is lost. I will have that six pack by July! I will be light and fast for Peachtree!

158 lbs 24.9% Body Fat

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