Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Progress Report and Weekly Check-In

It is time for my first weekly check-in as well as my mid month progress report. First things first, when I weighed myself and took my body fat percentage this morning I discovered that I have remained static this month. Although, I am also beginning to see a slight improvement with my upper body muscle definition. I know, it is slight, but if we didn't celebrate the small things in life, we would be constantly miserable.  I am planning to reward myself this weekend with a nice pedicure. After all, I deserved it! 

158 lb. 24.9% Body Fat
This week I have been doing a lot of lower body workouts in an attempt to allow my elbow and shoulder to heal. With luck I will be able to return to moderate upper body workouts next week. I have started running again and as of next week, I will officially start training with my awesome running coach. I can't wait!  

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