Thursday, May 2, 2013

Visiting Friends

I went to visit a friend at her fitness studio today. I had a blast catching up and seeing how other  private gyms do things. It is also interesting to see how different private gyms concentrate on different aspect of fitness with one thing unifying all -- health and satisfaction of the client.

During our conversation, I brought up my disappointment with the fact that I lost muscle mass during the last month of training. She reminded me that of a very important fact that I didn't take into consideration while writing my previous post: muscle mass will be lost during cutting phase and in order for me to gain bulk, well... I'll approach that when I get to the bulking stage.

Today was a good day, I did freak out a little bit when I realized that Peachtree Road Race is 9 weeks away and I am nowhere near ready, but that's ok. In a week I will resume my run training (provided my shins allow it) and I hope to be lighting fast (for me) when I  step over that start line.

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